What Does an HVAC Tune-Up Include? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to taking care of your heating and cooling system, a professional HVAC tune-up is essential. But what exactly does an HVAC tune-up include? It depends on the contractor, but typically, the service includes an inspection of the air conditioning system, potential repairs, and adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency. The inspection phase is the first step in an HVAC tune-up. During this phase, the technician will check the vents and ducts for any air leaks that could reduce the efficiency of the heating system.

They'll also inspect the burner to make sure it ignites properly and check the gas pressure in gas or oil furnaces. Additionally, they'll inspect your thermostat to ensure it's providing an accurate temperature reading. If any problems are detected during the inspection phase, the technician may perform repairs. Otherwise, they'll make adjustments to your system to ensure it's operating at maximum efficiency.

This can help you save money on your energy bills in the long run. Most HVAC contractors offer something called a preventive maintenance contract (PMA). This is a special rate for new customers that covers HVAC set-up costs. By having a professional HVAC contractor perform a tune-up on your system, you can rest assured that your heating and cooling system is running as efficiently as possible.

What Does an HVAC Tune-Up Include?

An HVAC tune-up is a comprehensive service that includes an inspection of your air conditioning system, potential repairs, and adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency. During the inspection phase, a technician will check for air leaks in vents and ducts, inspect the burner for proper ignition, check gas pressure in gas or oil furnaces, and inspect your thermostat for accurate temperature readings. If any problems are detected during this phase, repairs may be necessary. The technician will also make adjustments to your system to ensure it's running at peak efficiency.

This can help you save money on energy bills in the long run. Most HVAC contractors offer something called a preventive maintenance contract (PMA) which covers set-up costs for new customers.

Benefits of an HVAC Tune-Up

Having a professional HVAC contractor perform a tune-up on your system can provide numerous benefits. It can help improve air quality by removing dust and debris from vents and ducts. It can also help reduce energy costs by ensuring that your system is running as efficiently as possible.

Additionally, regular tune-ups can help extend the life of your heating and cooling system by identifying potential problems before they become major issues.


An HVAC tune-up is essential for keeping your heating and cooling system running efficiently and extending its life. The service includes an inspection of your air conditioning system, potential repairs, and adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency. Most HVAC contractors offer something called a preventive maintenance contract (PMA) which covers set-up costs for new customers.

Reba Faville
Reba Faville

Extreme bacon buff. Subtly charming beer maven. Wannabe gamer. Total bacon ninja. Incurable zombie geek.

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