How Often Should You Maintain Your HVAC System for Optimal Performance?

It is highly recommended to inspect your HVAC system at least once a year. Depending on your location, you may need to have your HVAC system serviced twice a year - once in the fall and once in the spring. It is best to check, clean, and service your heating system in the fall and your air conditioning system in the spring. Oil-fueled equipment should be cleaned and repaired annually at the start of each heating season.

Individual HVAC components should also be serviced. This means that your air conditioning unit is serviced in the spring before the warmer months and the heating unit is serviced in the fall before the colder months. Scheduling maintenance and service of the heating and air conditioning with an HVAC professional can ensure that the air conditioning unit and heating system work properly and efficiently. Many homeowners are unsure of how often they should have their HVAC system serviced. Air conditioning systems are complex, so it can be difficult to determine how to maintain them without the help of an expert.

Performing annual maintenance on your HVAC system is something a homeowner can partially complete. Read on to learn why professionals like David Kenyon, a project consultant in the HVAC Department at Sears Home Services, recommend this essential maintenance. Usually, hiring a service company to inspect and maintain your air conditioning system every year provides ideal protection. Annual maintenance can extend the life of your air conditioning system. Tests include more than just tests to ensure that all HVAC components work as they should.

While annual maintenance is usually sufficient to keep air conditioning systems running smoothly for a long time, some circumstances require additional attention. Having your HVAC system serviced regularly is essential for optimal performance. Regular maintenance helps prevent costly repairs and ensures that your system runs efficiently all year round. It also helps you save money on energy bills by ensuring that your system is running at its peak performance level. By scheduling regular maintenance with an experienced HVAC professional, you can rest assured that your air conditioning system will be running smoothly for years to come.

Reba Faville
Reba Faville

Extreme bacon buff. Subtly charming beer maven. Wannabe gamer. Total bacon ninja. Incurable zombie geek.

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