How Often Should You Perform HVAC Maintenance?

Heating and air conditioning systems should be inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least once a year. It is best to check the heating system in the fall and the air conditioning in the spring. However, the frequency of maintenance is more important than when it is scheduled. For a standard central air conditioner or boiler, each of these pieces of equipment must be maintained annually.

If you have a heat pump system that you use year-round, it is recommended that you check it every six months. It is always a good idea to do some regular checks and cleaning throughout the year to ensure the system is running smoothly. However, it is essential to make an annual appointment for air conditioning service. When scheduling maintenance for your HVAC unit, it is best to do so just before you need it most.

Therefore, it is necessary to schedule maintenance during the fall season so that the heating system is ready for winter. On the other hand, the best time to plan the maintenance of your cooling system would be spring. HVAC companies recommend scheduling routine maintenance checks on your HVAC system at least once a year. In addition, preventive maintenance of air conditioning systems will extend its life and minimize the possibility of periodic breakdowns that can lead to costly repairs or replacements in the long run. Adequate air circulation for your HVAC system is called ventilation, and it's something you should consult with your HVAC specialist during new installations and regular maintenance. It is also possible that there are defective components or significant problems with the air conditioning system, so you may need to schedule service later to repair or replace a component.

Reba Faville
Reba Faville

Extreme bacon buff. Subtly charming beer maven. Wannabe gamer. Total bacon ninja. Incurable zombie geek.

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