Is an HVAC Labor Warranty Worth It?

When it comes to air conditioning systems, investing in a good brand and a reliable contractor is usually enough to guarantee that you won't need an extended warranty. HVAC equipment is generally quite dependable, so the chances of it not working before the standard 10-year warranty expires are slim. The primary reason for getting an HVAC maintenance contract is that it allows potential issues to be identified before they become expensive repairs. Moreover, this type of contract provides priority service, which is especially useful during peak season.

Additionally, an HVAC maintenance contract offers discounts on parts and labor for repairs, which can save you a lot of money if the unit breaks down. HVAC parts usually come with a multi-year warranty from the manufacturer, and HVAC service companies or third-party insurers associated with them offer labor guarantees when available. If you are installing a new HVAC system, you may be offered a maintenance plan or service contract. After investing a large amount of money in a new air conditioning system, it's wise to invest in a service contract to avoid costly repairs in the first year after installation.

Reba Faville
Reba Faville

Extreme bacon buff. Subtly charming beer maven. Wannabe gamer. Total bacon ninja. Incurable zombie geek.

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