Is an AC Checkup Worth It? - The Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system is essential for keeping it running efficiently and extending its lifespan. Not only will it save you money in the long run, but it's also an environmentally friendly option that helps reduce energy consumption. An annual tune-up of your home air conditioning system can extend its lifespan by several years and save you up to 15% on monthly energy bills. Spring is the best time to maintain your AC before use increases during the summer.

A well-maintained air conditioning unit can last up to 15 years. Not only is regular maintenance of your AC a great way to save money, but it's also an environmentally friendly option. Air conditioning systems require less fuel and operate more efficiently when properly maintained. In addition to saving on your utility bill, using less energy is better for the planet.

Seasonal maintenance of heating and air conditioning systems during winter (heating) and summer (air conditioning) is essential for the proper functioning of the units, and many manufacturers include a clause in their warranty stating that it will not be valid if the unit is not maintained by a professional. With a service contract, you're more likely to carry out seasonal and annual revisions and adjustments. It's worth getting your air conditioner tuned up if you want to make sure your unit doesn't end up costing you even more over time. Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system will increase the chance that it will continue to operate for about 25 years, instead of just 10 years. If your new system is still covered by the manufacturer's warranty, a repair claim may be denied if you can't prove that you've performed regular system maintenance. Air conditioner coils may need to be cleaned or air filters replaced to prevent dust and dirt from being the main reason for air conditioning inefficiency.

The benefits of an HVAC maintenance plan may be worthwhile for homeowners, depending on a few factors. The system accumulates dust in areas that affect its efficiency, such as coils and filters, so it loses 5% of its efficiency. Intelligent air conditioning controllers are an excellent way to carry out regular air conditioning maintenance checks and to keep track of its use. Unexpected repairs or maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can be expensive, but a HomeServe home repair plan can give you peace of mind. The best practices you follow on your own may be even more important than those a technician can do during a single visit. Dirt and debris easily accumulate on the system coil, and the dirtier the coil, the less efficient the cooling capacity of the air conditioner will be.

He also didn't want to replace anything anytime soon, but instead suggested keeping up with inspections and maintenance to make the most of their lifespan. In conclusion, regular maintenance of your AC is essential for keeping it running efficiently and extending its lifespan. A service contract is a great way to ensure that your AC is regularly maintained and that any unexpected repairs or maintenance are covered.

Reba Faville
Reba Faville

Extreme bacon buff. Subtly charming beer maven. Wannabe gamer. Total bacon ninja. Incurable zombie geek.

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